Welcome to Your Weekly Words with Julie Avis Rogers, where public speaking meets personal flourishing. In these posts (the video and the written transcript below), I’ll share one word to enhance your effectiveness as a public speaker while also giving a boost for your soul! This week’s word is *threshold* so let’s dive in!
Today we are going to the THRESHOLD of a speaking event.
The threshold is what I’m calling the minutes leading up to when your speaking event officially begins. Depending on the context, they are the minutes when you likely have arrived in the room where you’ll be speaking. The minutes when you are taking a look around, maybe you are checking the tech set up or finding a good place to sit. They are the minutes when you may be interacting with other people in the room. The minutes when you are checking your notes, checking the clock, and preparing to begin.
The threshold– the literal or metaphorical doorway. You are close to speaking but not quite there.
Today I am here to tell you that the threshold is where the magic happens. It is a moment in time that will work wonders for you in staying present and grounded and confident as your speaking event begins.
Think about the threshold with the same weight of importance and intentionality as the rest of the speaking event. The threshold is a hidden gem where you have the opportunity to care for yourself in a way that is uniquely YOU. For some of us, the threshold time will be best used in stillness and silence. Perhaps in the threshold time, we identify a quiet space in the room to take three deep belly breaths and take an intentional break from lots of human energy around us. For others, the threshold time can be deeply energizing and confidence boosting if we focus on connecting with others. Instead of stepping to the side, we may want to intentionally seek out a friendly face, greet someone we’ve never met, or introduce ourselves to someone nearby.
As you ponder the threshold, take time to envision what a GOOD threshold time might entail for you. And if you don’t know, that’s okay– try out different things each time. Simply considering the threshold with curiosity and thoughtfulness will allow it to begin to work its magic. Gradually reframe your thinking to consider the threshold moments as a little gift to give yourself as you embark on your next speaking engagement.
The threshold: pay attention to it and let it boost you up!
Ready for more? Click here to book a free exploratory session with me where we can discuss your questions or concerns about public speaking and if I might be able to support you on your speaking journey. Visit my website to learn more about how to become a more confident, authentic public speaker while boosting your personal flourishing along the way!
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